By STY1 կիրակի, 14 մարտի 2021 թ
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Hello, I have had problems with the KU Tools for Outlook addin, in as much that it slows Outlook down too much and sometimes results in crashing. I tried all the fixes, like uninstalling other addins, downloading KU with the anti-virus turned off etc.
I'm trying to obtain a refund with their refund policy but simply have had no luck yet.

I tried emailing the following email address for over a week but to no avail.
Does anyone know of the complaints procedure?
Շնորհակալություն մեզ հետ կապվելու համար:
Խնդրում ենք փորձեք կապվել մեզ հետ sales@-ի միջոցովextendoffice: Com.
Thanks in advance.
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